Micro-Ant, Jacksonville, Florida, USATuesday 29th – Wednesday 30th March 2022 Micro-Ant would like to invite you to the Satcoms Innovation Group workshop, being hosted at the Micro=Ant Headquarters in Jacksonville, Florida. The workshop brings together people...
Tuesday 19th May 2020 9:00-12:30 LEO / MEO opportunities and challenges 13:30 – 15:00 Antennas and testing 15:30 – 17:30 Testing and monitoring in LEO Wednesday 20th May 2020 9:00 – 11:00 Deep Space innovation 11:00 – 12:30 Cloud and IP role for LEO satellites 13:30 –...
Each year, WTA publishes the world’s only rankings of companies that operate teleports for commercial purposes, including independents, satellite carriers, fiber carriers and technology providers. Organizations that operate teleports principally for their own...
The SIG Workshop at Goonhilly Earth Station will focus on the challenges in LEO and deep space missions. Do you have a challenge you would like to highlight and discuss with other technical operations professionals? Or do you have a solution to challenges in LEO...
Lunch sponsor: Logo on all event material Listed in agenda as lunch sponsor Can provide pull-up banner in lunch area on one day 2 free passes to the event Cost: Non-member £1,700; Member: £900 Break sponsor: Logo on all event material Listed in agenda as break sponsor...