Women in MilSatcom Award

5 Aug, 2024 | Blog

Recognising the Women Shaping MilSatCom

Women’s role in the space and satcom industries has always been an important focus for the Satcoms Innovation group (SIG). If you’ve ever attended one of our workshops, you’ll know that talent acquisition – and the importance that women play in technical and engineering roles – is high on our list of priorities. There has undoubtedly been an improvement in the number of women recruited into engineering roles overall. However, this is just the beginning. Women are still particularly underrepresented and with a skills gap that is causing great concern across the satellite industry and way beyond, more diversity in recruitment is going to be critical for the future development of our sector.

Gradual Changes

That said, the drum is being banged increasing more loudly, and there has been a definite shift in the profile of the satellite industry as the girls and young women who take on STEM/STEAM subjects and decide upon engineering as their career, are being taken more seriously and nurtured rather than told that it’s not a suitable career path for them. This is leading them into more technical and engineering positions. Whereas women would have perhaps been more prevalent in marketing or PR roles, we are seeing many more female CEOs and CTOs or working in highly technical roles at the coal face of innovation delivery.

Boosting the MilSatCom Workforce

This same gradual change is also happening in MilSatCom, a very niche but extremely critical area of the military communications world. Without military satcoms, operational and ubiquitous connectivity across land, air and sea would be impossible to achieve.

The military has long been a male dominated environment, like the satcom world. It is amazing to think in this ‘enlightened age’ that, in 2024, the number of women in the UK armed forces totals just 16,000 in comparison with 122,000 men. Women represent a largely untapped part of the workforce that can excel in technological careers if given the right advice, guidance, support and encouragement.


To highlight and celebrate the pivotal role that women currently play in the MilSatCom arena and the innovation that they bring to the sector, SIG is delighted to be working in partnership with SAE Media Group to bring the inaugural Women in MilSatCom Innovation Awards to the very first Women in MilSatCom Forum, recognising women who are innovators across the military satellite communications industry. The Award will be presented during the Forum’s free-to-attend Networking Breakfast in London on November 7. Already, there’s a great speaker line-up for the event and it’s not to be missed.

Helen Weedon, Managing Director, SIG, told us: “It’s critical that the industry works together to promote and encourage diversity in satcom, and recognising women who are innovators and already making an impact in the industry is a key part of that. I’m thrilled that SIG and SAE Media Group have collaborated to launch the Women in MilSatCom Innovation Award, and I can’t wait to shine a light on the most innovative women in our industry.”

The Forum will give delegates the opportunity to network, gain insight and share experience and opinions on the efforts needed to bring about lasting change and development in the MilSatCom sector. With interactive panel sessions, fireside chats and keynote speakers, attendees will leave with a fresh perspective on the role that women offer to the military satcom industry and the integral role they have to play within it.

Yasmin Alsadoon, Head of Production, SAE, added: “We’re delighted to be launching this new and exciting award together with SIG, which celebrates and recognises women who are innovators in MilSatCom. We look forward to celebrating women’s excellence in innovation in the industry, and to showing other women who may be considering a career in the industry, what is possible.”

Nominate Now

Anyone can nominate their most inspiring woman in MilSatCom. Just visit the SIG Women in MilSatCom Awards page, or for more information, contact info@satig.space.

Note that the deadline for nominations will be Friday 16th August.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!